7 клас Тема уроку: Особові та присвійні займенники.
Цілі уроку:
Практичні: - активізувати в учнів навчально-пізнавальну діяльність;
- навчити учнів сприймати навчальний матеріал за допомогою
- навчити учнів розрізняти особові та присвійні займенники.
Освітні: - активізувати пам'ять учнів за допомогою поданої інформації;
- розширити загальний та філологічний світогляд учнів.
Розвиваючі: - розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву пам'ять учнів;
- розвивати творчий потенціал учнів за рахунок використання
інтерактивних технологій;
- розвивати аудіальну та візуальну пам'ять учнів.
Виховні: - виховувати прагнення до комунікативної активності;
- виховувати потребу до оволодіння ефективними засобами
організації навчального процесу.
Хід уроку
I Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного матеріалу
Introduction. 1. Organization moment. Організація класу. Привітання.
2. Introduction of the theme of the lesson and its objectives. Визначення та повідомлення теми та мети уроку. Граматична загадка.
T.: Good morning to you. Are you ready for the lesson? ……Ok, thank you. Do you know what we are going to do at this lesson? No? Try to guess. Look at the screen. You can see word “CHEWED” (пережований). How many pronouns can you find in this word? ….. Yes, that’s right, 2: “HE” and “WE”. So, what do you think we are going to learn today? Right – more pronouns.
Warm-up Введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Ігрова ситуація. Реплікування – швидке реагування учнів на репліку вчителя. Активізація вживання в мовленні учнів «Наказового способу дієслів».
T.: So, let’s start. But first, let’s warm up ourselves. Listen to my instructions very carefully and follow them at once!
* Stand up!
* Jump!
* Touch your table!
* Sit down!
* Say “Hello”!
* Show me your pens!
* Touch your nose!
* Don’t talk!
* Open your books on page 55!
* Close your books!
* Touch your head!
* Put your hands on the table!
* Smile!
* Have fun during the lesson!
Checkup Контроль та перевірка виконання домашнього завдання.
Активізація знань за темою. Надання визначення до такої частини мови, як займенник. Пригадай-мо з уроків української мови ...
II Основна частина уроку
1. Presentation. Введення нових граматичних одиниць. Особові та присвійні займенники.
Визначення особових займенників: I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they.
Пояснення їхнього вживання в різних випадках.
Вивчення присвійних займенників: my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.
Подача прикладів з правильним вживанням.
Використання презентації.
2. Grammar Explanation. Пояснення нових граматичних одиниць — особових та присвійних займенників та їх співвідношення.
Опрацювання таблички.
Personal and possessive pronouns(Особові та присвійні займенники)
Personal pronouns |
Possessive pronouns |
I (я) |
my (мій, моя, мої) |
You (ти) |
your (твій, твоя, твоє, твої) |
He (він) |
his (його) |
She (вона) |
her (її) |
It (воно) |
its (її, його) |
We (ми) |
our (наш, наша, наше, наші) |
You (Ви) |
your (Ваш, Ваша) |
They (вони) |
their (їхній, їхня, їхнє, їхні) |
Виконання вправи на встановлення відповідності між особовими та присвійними займенниками. Заповни пропуски відповідним займенником:
Ex. І
(He ) His father is a doctor.
(I ) ... sister is ten years old.
(They)... car is red.
(You) ... bicycles are old.
(She) ... house is big.
(He) ... eyes are blue.
(We) ... house is big.
(It) ... roots are long.
3. Practice. Учні виконують вправи на закріплення вживання особових займенників.
Заповніть пропуски відповідними присвійними займенниками:
Ex. ІІ
His - його |
Their - їх |
Her - її |
is my mum. ... name’s Jess.
are my sisters. ... names are Mary and Dina.
These are my
parents. ... names are Tanya and Bob
This is my cousin. ...
name’s Helen.
This is my cousin. ... name’s Fred.
are my sisters. ... names are Tina and Nina.
This is my aunt.
... name’s Pam.
Прочитайте текст та виберіть відповідний займенник:
This is Michael.
This is his\her family.
These are his\their parents.
This is their\her house.
This is their\its pet.
This is its\his ball.
III Заключна частина уроку
Hometask Summury Повідомлення домашнього завдання та підбиття підсумків уроку. Д/З:
Complete the sentences:
is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my,
your, his, her, our or
first name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you?
What’s _____ first name? And what’s ______ family name? I’m
married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is
Aisek. We’ve got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21. _____
name is Nickolas. _______ daughter is 24. ______ name is Emy. Emy is
married. _____ husband’s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two
children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.
7 клас Тема: Домашнє читання “Talking about Managing Your Time”
Цілі: практична: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, усного мовлення.
освітня: збагатити словниковий запас учнів, розвивати світогляд школярів.
розвиваюча: розвивати вміння логічного висловлювання думок, увагу, швидку реакцію.
виховна: виховувати любов до читання, розуміння необхідності читання, стимулювати учнівський інтерес до предмету.
Хід уроку.
І. Організаційний момент.
T: Good morning, everybody. I am glad to see you. How are you today?
Ss: Good morning, we are fine…
Мовленнєва зарядка.
T: Children, look at the screen and tell me, please, how you understand the quоtation “A book is a gift you can open again and again” (Garrison Keillor).
Ss: (відповіді учнів).
Do you like reading?
Do you like reading adventure or some other stories?
ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
Привернення уваги учнів на нові слова та вирази на екрані.
good grades — гарні бали,
after-school activities діяльність після школи
have-to’s -повинен робити, слід робити
want-to’s - хочу робити
a day planner — план на день
a quiet environment — ти хе оточення
Опрацювання тексту діалогу. Читання та переклад
Talking about Managing your Time
Cheryl: Hi, Mike, where are you going? What’s your hurry?
Mike: Hi, Cheryl. I’ve been trying hard to keep up with school work, getting good grades, and after-school activities.
Cheryl: I know what you mean. Do you feel there aren’t enough hours in the day and you just don’t know how some people manage to do everything in time?
Mike: Exactly. Have you got your own method for taking control of schoolrelated have-to’s?
Cheryl: Not yet, but I’ve got some good tips. During the school day our schedule is made up for us. Once the bell rings, though, it’s up to us to find the perfect balance between have-to’s and want-to’s.
Mike: Let’s have a try!
Cheryl: Okay, okay. First of all, get a day planner to put your homework assignments, test dates and project due-dates on paper as soon as the teacher gives them to you.
Mike: Are you serious? I’m quite happy with writing everything down in my notebook margin or…
Cheryl: Or on random pieces of paper? If you keep your day planner with you, all this information will be in one place. Make sure you get the big day planner because little ones won’t hold all your notes.
Mike: Well, perhaps, I’ll try. What is next?
Cheryl: Then you need to organize yourself. Keep each class or subject in its own folder, set homework time and make sure you study in a quiet environment to avoid distractions, such as TV, the phone, or the Web.
Mike: It’s easier said than done. I prefer to have business and pleasure combined. For instance, I can read my homework while my favourite TV show is on.
Cheryl: I bet it will take you much longer to finish your reading because you’ll probably spend half your time listening to the show.
Mike: Perhaps you are right. But I’ve got so many things to do that I can’t afford to just sit and watch TV.
Cheryl: Same with me. Yet I’ve learnt to prioritise my activities. Academic studies should always come first, and I try not to spend too much time on the Internet.
Mike: Well, thanks for sharing. It seems to be an easy-to-follow guide. I hope it will help me to manage my time.
Cheryl: It sure will. Good luck!
3.Фізкультхвилинка. Зарядка для очей.
Ss (doing together): Look at the window,
Look at the door,
Look at the ceiling,
Look at the floor.
4. Завдання для учнів. Прочитати твердження та виявити правильні та неправильні
Choose true and false sentences:
1. During the school day our schedule is made up for us.
2. Once the bell rings, though, it’s up to us to find the perfect balance between home tasks and TV programs.
3. Make sure you get the small day planner because big ones won’t hold all your notes.
4. Mike is quite happy with writing everything down in his notebook margin or…
5. Keep each class or subject in its own folder, set homework time and make sure you study in a quiet environment to avoid distractions, such as TV, the phone, or the Web.
6. It’s easier done than said.
5. Завдання для учнів. Виконати тестове завдання на правильне доповнення речень
Complete these sentences right:
1. … prefers to have business and pleasure combined.
a) teacher, b) Cheryl; c) Mike
2. During the … … our schedule is made up for us.
a) school day; b) party day; c) day in the park.
3. First of all, get a day planner to put your homework assignments, test dates and project due-dates on paper as soon as the … gives them to you.
a) teacher; b) mother; c) Mike.
4. Make sure you get the big … … because little ones won’t hold all your notes.
a) book; b) schoolbag; c) day planner.
5. Academic studies should always come … .
a) second; b) first, c) last.
6. ... hopes it will help ... to manage my time.
a) Mike, him; b) Cheryl, her; c) Mike and Cheryl, them.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
тренувати учнів в лексиці по темі «Сім'я»;
практикувати в складанні монологічного і діалогічного висловлювання за структурою;
тренувати у вживанні дієслова have / has got за зразком.
розвивати комунікативні навички;
розвивати орфографічні навички.
виховувати почуття поваги і доброзичливості до членів своєї сім'ї;
розвивати і підтримувати стійкий інтерес до англійської мови, мовного і культурного спілкування один з одним.
Організаційний момент.
Фонетична зарядка.
Тренування вивченої лексики.
Практика вживання дієслова Have / has got в реченнях.
Tom … got a small family. (has)
I…got a nice ball. (have)
Kate …got a mother. (has)
You …got a little brother. (have)
… she got a sister? (Has)
Робота в парах. Складання діалогу.
Практичні завдання.
got, mother, a, has, Kate. – Kate has got a mother.
you, Have, family, a got? – Have you got a family?
is, My, family, big. – My family is big.
have, I, got, a, brother. – I have got a brother.
father, Have, you, a, got? – Have you got a father?
Домашнє завдання.
Підбиття підсумку уроку. Оцінювання.
Повідомлення домашнього завдання та підбиття підсумків уроку. Д/З: вправа 3 сторінки 46-47(заповнити табличку, за прочитаним діалогом вказати хто і яку репліку сказав):
Ex.3, p.46-47
Mike |
Cheryl |
– I’ve been trying hard to keep up with school work, getting good grades, and after-school activities.
– I’ve got some good tips.
– Then you need to organize yourself.
– It’s easier said than done.
– I’ve learnt to prioritise my activities.
– It seems to be an easy-to-follow guide.
7 клас Тема. " Моя родина "
Мета уроку:
Обладнання: ноутбук.
Хід уроку:
Привітання, перевірка присутніх. Пояснення ходу уроку.
Т - Good day, dear children.
Good day, good day,
Good day to you,
Good day, good day,
I’m glad to see you.
T - Thank you.
Today, I will talk about the family.
Now, our phonetic exercises,
Sing a song. / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzzpwUIFmRQ
“Are you sleeping”
Are you sleeping,
Are you sleeping,
Brother John,
Brother John?
Morning bells are ringing,
Morning bells are ringing,
Ding, ding, dong,
Ding, ding, dong.
T - Good, thank you. You’re clever boys and girls.
T- Today we’ll revise some words.
Look at the screеn, please. Repeat after me.
mother / мати
father / батько
sister / сестра
brother / брат
son / син
daughter / дочка
grandmother / бабуся
grandfather / дідусь
parents / батьки
uncle / дядько
aunt / тітка
nephew / племінник
cousin / двоюрідний брат (сестра)
(Teacher перемішує картки, діти хором називають слова англійською)
T - Thank you, now I want to listen to everyone in English.
I'll show you the cards and the Ukrainian translation of "What is it?" please. Good thank you.
Now answer my questions:
T - Have you got a family? / У вас є сім'я?
S - Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / Так, у мене є / Ні, ні
T - Have you got a mother? / У вас є мати?
S - Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t / Так, у мене є / Ні, ні
T - Have you got a father? / У вас є батько?
S- Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / Так, у мене є / Ні, ні
T - Have you got a sister? / У вас є сестра?
S - Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / Так, у мене є / Ні, ні
T - Have you got a brother? / У тебе є брат?
S - Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / Так, у мене є / Ні, ні
T - Do you like have you got a grandmother? / Вам подобається, що у вас є бабуся?
S - Yes, I like./ No, I do not like it. / Так, мені подобається. / Ні, не подобається
T - Have you got a grandfather? / У тебе є дідусь?
S - Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t / Так, у мене є / Ні, ні
T - Very well done! Thank you.
Choose the correct translation: / Виберіть правильний переклад:
(демонструю документ на екран, учні з'єднують слова в таблиці)
mother |
брат |
father |
мати |
sister |
бабуся |
brother |
дядько |
grandmother |
батько |
grandfather |
дідусь |
uncle |
сестра |
aunt |
тітка |
son |
батьки |
daughter |
племінник |
parents |
двоюрідний брат (сестра) |
nephew |
дочка |
niece |
син |
cousin |
племінниця |
Учні виконують…
Заповніть пропуски у реченнях дієсловами have або has:
Т -Make up a dialogue with your partner. Look at the screen, please. Use this table.
T -Тепер розділіться по парам і розпитайте один одного про свою сім'ю.
- Hello, |
- Hello, |
- Have you got a family? |
- Yes, I have. |
- Is your family big? |
Yes, It is No, it is not |
- Have you got a mother/ father/sister/brother? |
Yes, I have No, I have not |
- What is her/ his name? |
-Her/ His name is… |
- Goodbye |
-Goodbye |
T - And now let's rest and do a workout.
(Вибираю вихованця для проведення зарядки)
T - Who wants to show the exercises
Stand up, stand still.
Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides.
Bend left, bend right,
Hands on hips, one, two, three, hop.
One, two, three, stop. Stand still.
T - Good, thank you. Take your places. Go on our work.
T — Look at screens and make up sentences using these words.
T - Make up a story about your family. Look at the screen, please. I’ll give you 1 min.
(пояснюю, як за схемою скласти монолог)
My name is… / Мене звати…
I have got a family. / У мене сім'я.
My family is big/ small. / Моя сім'я велика / мала.
I have got a mother/ father. / У мене є мати / батько.
My mother’s name is… / Мою маму звати…
My father’s name is… / Мого батька звати…
I have got a brother/ sister too. / У мене теж є брат / сестра.
My brother’s name is… / Звати мого брата ...
My sister’s name is… / Звати мою сестру ...
I like my family very much. / Мені дуже подобається моя родина.
T - Сьогодні ми говорила про нашу сім'ю. А тепер дайте відповідь на питання.
Що я нового дізнався?
Чому я навчився?
Ss відповідають…
Намалювати свою сім'ю. Скласти розповідь про свою маму або одного члена родини за вашим бажанням.
T- На уроці ми познайомилися з новими словами, складали речення за темою, працювали в парах, розповідаючи про свою родину, знаходили пари слів тощо.
Thank you for your work. Your marks for today are excellent. ...
11 клас Тема: Work or Job? Jobs or Other Activities in Summer
вдосконалювати навички вживання синонімів та словотворення;
вдосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання й письма;
розвивати культуру спілкування й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;
виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань;
розвивати логічне мислення;
виховувати відповідальне ставлення до вибору майбутньої професії, а також загальну культуру учнів.
1) What are some jobs that you think would be boring?
2) What are some jobs that you think would be fun?
3) At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?
4) Have you ever done volunteer work?
2. Listening
Listen to the joke and retell it sentence by sentence one by one.
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can’t look that old. Well, you’ll love this one...
My name is Alice Smith and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his diploma, which had his full name.
Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago. Could he be the same guy that I had a secret crush on, way back then?
Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.
After he examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended Morgan Park High school.
’Yes. Yes, I did’, he gleamed with pride.
’When did you graduate?’ I asked.
He answered, ’In 1967. Why do you ask?’
’You were in my class!’ I exclaimed.
He looked at me closely. Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled, fat, gray-haired man asked, ’What did you teach?’
3. Vocabulary practice
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence:
1. It was hard physical (job/work), you know, lifting people, helping them into wheelchairs and pushing them.
2. I got my first (job/work) as an assistant receptionist in a hotel when I was just 18.
3. It wasn’t a very well-paid (job/work), but then first (job/work) often aren’t.
4. I thought it was a great (opportunity/occasion/possibility) to get some work experience.
5. And on some (opportunity/occasion/possibility) I was left on my own as the person in charge of the whole of this enormous hotel.
Choose the best word to complete each sentence:
1. I plan to have a long (career/ occupation) in advertising, but I know I will have to work hard to succeed.
2. The annual (salary/money) for this job is f35,000 a year.
3. I’ve got a holiday job, delivering newspapers. The (salary/pay) is quite good. It’s f5.00 an hour.
4. When did your (occupation, employment) with this company begin?
5. So, would you like to arrange a loan with our bank, Mr Johnson? Do you mind if I ask you a few questions first? What is your (occupation, employment)?
4. Reading
An American lawyer who worked as a volunteer in London shares some information about his taking part in the 7-Week Programme. Read the text and make up a list of suggestions which this programme provides.
Each summer, the Winant and Clayton Volunteer program sends a group of Americans to volunteer in London for seven weeks and provides housing and a small stipend to help defray the high cost of living. After seven weeks of volunteering, participants have two weeks to travel independently before returning to London to evaluate the program and get their flight back to the States.
The application includes a few short essays, a series of questions about the type of placement one would prefer, and an informal interview with former volunteers that gives applicants a chance to find out more about the program.
Deciding to participate takes a small leap of faith. The roster of volunteer placements and housing options can change from year to year and volunteers can’t choose their placement in advance. But once you’re accepted you instantly feel that you’ve joined a close-knit group. The volunteer coordinator is in frequent contact through mailings and e-mails to help you prepare for the trip, and there is a daylong orientation in New York that bring all the volunteers together before departure for London.
We were well cared for once we reached the U.K., too: our group was picked up from the airport and taken to our accommodation, a historic settlement house in London’s east end by Brits who had participated in the English counterpart to our program; they offered to mentor us during our stay in London. After an orientation and a weekend to get settled we began our placements, nearly all of which were in London’s east end.
My placement was at a youth and community project, an organization that served mostly Bangladeshi and Somali immigrants. Part of the appeal of my work was that it took me to places that casual visitors never see, like the community law center and the public housing office—places that affect the lives of most Londoners more than anything on the tourist trail. Although I had been to the city many times before, living in London allowed me to see it as a local.
For my 2-week independent travel period I visited Barcelona, Holland, and Copenhagen but was happiest of all to return to London for a few days before my flight back to the States; it had become my home away from home.
5. Reading and writing
Read the commentary from the net page as for summer work in Alaska and take notes if such work suits or doesn’t suit you.
If you’ve dreamt of a trip to Alaska summer is the right time to visit the 49 th state.
Seafood processors in coastal communities are always looking for workers who don’t mind the long hours and working conditions. Work as little or as long as you choose. Some folks arrive on vacation and stay the entire summer.
Most processors usually offer housing and meals at a minimal cost. Hostels, В& Bs, RV parks, campgrounds, and wilderness camps are available if you prefer to find your own accommodations.
Most of these communities offer sport fishing charters, marine and glacier tours, flight-seeing, kayak rentals, and hiking to name a few.
To work you will need your social security card and state I.D. or driver’s license. You must either be a U.S. citizen or obtain a work visa and be at least 18.
Wages vary from about $6 to $7.50 per hour. Any time worked over an 8-hour period is considered overtime. Most processors work very long shifts.
6. Writing
Complete the table with your own examples.
Suffix |
Meaning |
Example |
-ance, -ence |
state or quality of |
maintenance, eminence, ..., ..., ... |
-sion, -tion |
state of being |
concession, transition, ..., ..., ... |
-ment |
condition of |
argument, ..., ..., ... |
-er,-or |
one who |
trainer, protector, ..., ..., ... |
-ist |
one who |
chemist, ..., ..., ... |
-ful |
notable for |
fanciful, ..., ..., ... |
7. Summary
1) What job(s) do you wish to have in the future?
2) What jobs in your country are considered to be good jobs? Why?
3) Do you think young people care enough about their employment prospects?
8. Homework
Ex. 3, p. 52.
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