
пʼятниця, 3 листопада 2023 р.

Фрагмент уроку з використанням Flipped Classroom Approach


Topic: Where did dinosaurs live?

Objectives: to develop listening, speaking and reading skills;

to practice the usage of vocabulary and grammar skills;

to practice role playing;

to incorporate group work and the work in pairs;

to broaden the knowledge about dinosaurs;

to cultivate interest in learning English;

to teach students to talk about dinosaurs, using the Past Simple Tense (which was studied on previous lessons).

Outcomes: by the end of the lesson students will be able to write and speak about creatures that lived in ancient times, using the Past Simple Tense.

Materials: presentation about “Dinosaurs”; images of five researched dinosaurs; students’ smartphones; a printed table; signal cards of green and red color for the game “True or False”.

Anticipated difficulties: lack of access to technology; engagement and motivation; understanding and confusion time management; accountability.

Procedure: the students previously worked on educational videos.



T activity

S activity


Stage aims

5-7 mins

Brain Storm

T writes names of dinosaurs on the board (or hangs pictures of dinosaurs)

S names dinosaurs

Both T and S should actively listen to each other and collaborate to summarize and organize the ideas generation

This can involve categorizing ideas, highlighting key points and identifying potential solutions

10-12 mins


T gives a printed table to the S and discussed the tasks for the interview

S receive a printed table with information about on only one dinosaur. In order to fill in it they must interview other classmates. After completing the table, S talk about the lives of dinosaurs based on the information that they collected. They can help and complete each other’s answers

Active listening, empathy and open communi-cation between T-S, S-S. The T’s role is to create a safe and respectful space for Ss to express themselves, ask questions and seek guidance

This helps build trust and fosters a positive S-T relationship



Game “True or False”

T prepares cards with true and false sentences and gives them to the S

The game is controlled by 1 or 2 Ss. They read the sentences and talk about the correctness of the completed tasks

Positive, supportive and aligned with the games goals. T’s role is to guide and facilitate the game, ensuring that it is a valuable and end enjoyable experience for the Ss.

This serving educational or developmen-tal purpose